The Roms.

Summer 1998: A group of Gypsies settled near the Saint-Denis stadium is expelled and has moved to the industrial zone of Saint-Ouen (it will be for me the opportunity to meet this Tzigane tribe). Like everyone else I wonder how these new beggars who are pouring over the frontiers of the rich European countries live. My first contacts are made without my camera. Then I start my assignment by taking the portraits of all the members of all the families. This is a prerequisite so they accept me around. In November 1998 I decide to camp in a caravan among them and they start to forget about me. I accompany the Roms in their daily routine: going to Gare du Nord, to the Champs Elysées, the public toilets, the subway, fetching water and staying up late listening to them. There were so many moments during which we felt connected even though we didn’t share the same language.