Refugee camp to the gates of Paris.

On August 17, 2006, the police evacuates an old building occupied by more than 500 squatters in Cachan. Dozens of families are spread in the streets. Invited by the socialist mayor , they find a refuge in a town gymnasium. About 300 to 400 people camp in a tiny hall of the gymnasium with many childre, some of them newborns. Daily life for them consists to deal with problems of housing, poverty and insecurity because they are migrants. They lived two months in the gymnasium, hostages of a political situation they can't deal with, before the Minister of the Interior, Nicolas Sarkozy, declared that in expelling about 500 people from the Cachan squat, he « had done his duty ». Meanwhile, there are negociations, the medias talk a lot about these tractations, there are violent debates at the Assembly; a lot of political leaders, artists, sportsmen and sportswomen, associations, elected representatives, unions and a part of French population who denounce the « distress situation » in which these families were placed. On October 5, 2006, an agreement in principle is found to rehouse the former squatters of Cachan. On 0ctober 12, 2006, occupants leave the gymnasium; its doors are welded and occupants are rehoused in temporary shelters.